I had a lot of fun working on the Steeds of Fate level in God of War 2. The idea is that there are these 4 massive horses made out of granite and rock out in the ocean. They are the size of mountains. You, as the player, will reach the horses by running across the chain that begins at a structure that is connected to an island. You will climb onto the horses and go through a whole level fighting enemies and such. Eventually, you will break open the blinders that are covering the eyes of the horses. Once that's done the horses will come alive and begin to move forward which in turn pulls the island forward to connect it to the structure. I don't know if any of that made sense, it's tough to explain. But it's a pretty cool moment in the game.
The black and white rough painting was the initial painting I did to get a feel for the whole thing. But I ended up doing a more static side shot of the horses mainly because it shows the most amount of information on what they actually look like. I had a lot of fun with these.