Hey all! I just wanted to thank everyone that was able to come out to the gallery show the other weekend, and those that wanted to but couldn't (it's the thought that counts)! It was awesome! We all had a blast hanging out, meeting people, and just having fun. I hope to do another one in the future. You guys can check out pictures from the event at the Nucleus Gallery's website. Here's the link:
Nucleus Gallery event pics
I wanted to post the pieces I did for the gallery for those of you who couldn't make it. I had fun with these. There was no specific direction I was going when painting these. I just started painting and let the paintings discover themselves. It was an interesting way to work- very opposite to the way I approach my concepts at work, which is attacking things very intentionally, usually with a certain amount of research first.
If any of you are interested in purchasing prints of any of these paintings you can get it from the Gallery Nucleus guys. Here's a link to their prints section:
Thanks guys and gals again! I hope you like...